Summer Holiday

Hi guys and welcome back, first of all I just want to say I am very sorry that I haven't been posting about a month now but I have been on holidays and when I came back I had a lot of of things to do related to college. But now I'm back and hope that I will be posting something every weekend.
First I want to ask you guys how your summer holiday have past and what have you been doing over the past six weeks? I thought it would be fun to share my summer holidays with you and see what you have been doing. This year I have been doing quite a lot of things and travelling. As you may or may not know that I am from Poland, (if you didn't know, now you do) me and my family have took an adventure for 24 hours over to Poland, as we do every summer. It is tiring but totally worth it.

On 30th of June we have travelled to Poland sea side (Pobierowo), we have been going to sea side every year for over 13 years, I don't think summer is completed without a beach and some nice, bronzed tan! 
We have stayed there for 2 weeks and had the best family time. We have stayed in two rooms, first time in years me and my sister had our own room. 

Everyday have been looking the same unless it was raining, every morning we got ready and headed down to the beach, we stayed there for 5/6 hours, it seems a long time but when the weather is nice and you are able to go and swim in the sea and get the best tan, you wouldn't want to miss it. Do you?  

After full day at the beach we went back to our rooms and got ready for a wonder round the street and get something to eat, as you are from Poland or have ever been on the polish sea side you will know that there's not a lot of walking, its only one road full of food places and little shops with gifts and post cards. The food places sell pretty much the same food, you just need to find the best one. Every time I go on holidays, I eat pretty much the same thing everyday, that happened this year as well.

One of these days we went to the beach for couple of hours but there was no point to sit any long because of the strong, cold wind, so we decided that we were going to get changed and go for a trip next town across the coast (Miedzyzdroje). We have walked around and spend some quality time together.

Summer holidays are the best time to spend time with the family and just sit back and relax.
I hope that you have spend your summer holidays in the best way possible and the memories will stay at the back of your mind and you will remember it for a long time.

Feel free to leave a comment- How did you spend your SUMMER?


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